
Launch of Morning Nutrition Program in Goa on 26 Sept 2022

Launch of Morning Nutrition Program in Goa on 26 September 2022

September 28th, 2022

Annapoorna Trust started the pilot program of Morning Nutrition after a formal MoU signed with the Goa State Government. This program would benefit 1076 children studying across 65 schools.

SaiSure health mix would be provided along with milk to the children. It is a multi-nutrient supplement, a malt-based composition for children designed to meet 50% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of most of the micronutrients. Manufactured in FSSAI licensed, FDA approved, WHO-GMP certified manufacturing facility with highest quality standards, it is easy to prepare, quite cost-effective and can be distributed with milk which is provided by some states at Government schools. SaiSure Morning Nutrition in children has demonstrated positive improvements in health parameters, improved academic performance, increased enrolment of students, boost in their immunity and many more.



SaiSure muti-nutrient Health mix distribution at Raichur & Yadgir districts with NSS for 80,000 children, 22nd and 23rd Sept 2022

SaiSure muti-nutrient Health mix distribution at Raichur & Yadgir districts with NSS Under Amrutha Grama Yojana for 80,000 children, 22nd and 23rd Sept 2022

September 26th, 2022

On 22nd and 23rd September 2022, SaiSure multi-nutrient health mix distribution was launched formally in the government schools of villages in Raichur and Yadgir districts. Preceding this launch, was the formal launch of SaiSure Morning Nutrition Program in NV grounds, Kalaburagi held on 17th September 2022, for 3 districts – Raichur, Yadgir and Kalaburagi, in the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sri Basavaraj Bommai.

As part of the ‘Amrutha Grama Yojana Program,’ 750 villages with low multi-dimensional poverty index, have been identified by the planning and statistics department led by Dr Shalini Rajneesh with the help of NSS volunteers, to improve its basic infrastructure and amenities. Innovative solutions like that of SaiSure multi-nutrient health mix by the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust is the nutrition partner. In order to combat malnutrition, SaiSure has been introduced in the identified 450 government schools in the villages of Raichur, Yadgir and Kalaburagi.

SaiSure is a multi-nutrient supplement, a malt-based composition for children designed to meet 50% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of most of the micronutrients. Manufactured in FSSAI licensed, FDA approved, WHO-GMP certified manufacturing facility with highest quality standards, it is easy to prepare, quite cost-effective and can be distributed with milk which is provided by some states at Government schools.


SaiSure Morning Nutrition launch in Washim and Buldhana districts, Maharashtra – 20th and 21st Sept 2022

SaiSure Morning Nutrition launch in Washim and Buldhana districts, Maharashtra – 20th and 21st September 2022

September 26th, 2022

SaiSure Morning Nutrition program was launched in Washim district for 528 children and in Buldhana district for 510 children on 20th and 21st September 2022 respectively.

These districts are located in the region of Vidarbha. Vidarbha is less economically prosperous when compared to other regions of Maharashtra and has hot humid climate with considerable poverty & malnutrition. Prior to this launch, Morning Nutrition was launched by Annapoorna Trust in Akola, Amravati, Yavatmal & Solapur districts in Maharashtra.

On 20th September 2022, the launch event was held in Nagar Palika Girls school in Karanji Lad Taluk in Washim district. A total of 528 children in 4 different schools – Nagar Palika Hindi school, Nagar Palika Girls school, Nagar Palika School No.2 and Nagar Palika School No.6, will receive SaiSure health mix as Morning Nutrition. The HMs of 4 schools – Mr. Arun Rathod, Mr. Ravi Bagat, Mr. Rajeswar Ingle and Mr. Pradip Raut were present in the event along with Mr Santhosh Agarwal – Vidarbha region co-ordinator and Mr. Om Prakash Gupta – active volunteer.


SaiSure multinutrient health mix launch at Yavatmal district Maharashtra- 20th Sept 2022

SaiSure multinutrient health mix launch at Yavatmal district Maharashtra- 20th Sept 2022

September 23rd, 2022

On 20th September 2022, SaiSure Morning Nutrition was launched in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra. 500 students will be served SaiSure with milk.

Yavatmal district is in the region of Vidarbha. Vidarbha is less economically prosperous when compared to other regions of Maharashtra and has hot humid climate with considerable poverty & malnutrition. Yavatmal has been named one of the country’s most-backward districts. Prior to this, Morning Nutrition was launched by Annapoorna Trust in Akola, Amravati and Solapur districts in Maharashtra.

The launch event took place at CEO Office at Yavatmal in the presence of CEO and administrator, Ms. Madhuri Madhavi and Administrative Officer – Ms. Nita. From Annapoorna Trust, Mr. Santosh Allath – National Manager, Mr. Santosh Agarwal – Vidarbha region in-charge Annapoorna Trust, Mr. Om Prakash Gupta, Dr Prakash Nandurkar, Mr. Ganesh Gantewar & Mr. Veerendra Agarwal – Annapoorna Trust volunteers, were present in the event.


Launch of SaiSure Health Mix and Raagi Cereals Health Mix to SAM & MAM Pre-School Children at Bhongir, Telangana – 20th Sept 2022

Launch of SaiSure Health Mix and Raagi Cereals Health Mix to SAM & MAM Pre-School Children at Bhongir district, Telangana – 20th Sept 2022

September 23rd, 2022

Annapoorna Trust launched the Morning Nutrition program at one of the Anganwadi centres in Bhongir district on 20th September 2022. SaiSure Health Mix and Raagi Cereals Health Mix will be provided to SAM (severely acute malnutrition) and MAM (Moderately acute malnutrition) pre-school children in all the Anganwadi centres of Bhongir district. As part of the pilot launch, 1015 Anganwadi children between the age of 3 till 6 started receiving SaiSure Health Mix and Raagi Cereals Health Mix. Each child will be receiving 5 gms of SaiSure with 10 gms of milk powder/milk & 5 gms of Raagi & 2.5 gms of Jaggery with warm water on alternate days.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines ‘severe acute malnutrition’ (SAM) as very low weight-for-height or a mid-upper arm circumference less than 115mm, or by the presence of nutritional oedema and Moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) is defined as moderate weight-for-height or mid-upper arm circumference greater or equal to 115mm and less than 125mm. Around 7% children in India are malnourished with 2% of them belonging to SAM and 5% to that of MAM. Both SAM and MAM have severe health repercussions with weakened immune systems. To tackle malnutrition, government has launched POSHAN Abhiyan programme. Aligning with this programme, Annapoorna Trust works towards meeting the nutritional needs of children at various rural hinterlands of India.


Launch of Morning Nutrition for 31,000 govt. school children in Jangaon district of Telangana – 20 Sept 2022

Launch of Morning Nutrition for 31,000 govt. school children in Jangaon district of Telangana – 20 September 2022

September 22nd, 2022

Annapoorna Trust initiated Morning Nutrition program for 31,000 children in Jangaon district of Telangana.

After a formal discussion on 12th September with Sri.Ch.Shivlingaiah, IAS (District Collector, Jangaon) to introduce Raagi Cereals Health Mix , the Annapoorna team launched the formal program at ZPHS Pochannapet in Bachanapet mandal in Jangaon district on 20th September 2022.

This morning nutrition program will be introduced for 31,000 children across 12 mandals with the support of the district mid-day meal officers. Annapoorna Trust wishes to extend its gratitude to respected DEO Colonel Narendra Reddy for guiding and spearheading this program in a more effective way.


Launch of SaiSure Health Mix to 79,000 Govt. school children in Ramanagara District, Karnataka – 18th Sept 2022

Launch of SaiSure Health Mix to 79,000 Govt. school children in Ramanagara District, Karnataka – 18th September 2022

September 20th, 2022

September 2022 is observed as the “National Nutrition Month” in India with the aim of reducing the rate of malnutrition and anaemia, and improving health of children, adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating women. The first week of the month, September 1-7 is celebrated as “National Nutrition week,” with the purpose to raise awareness about value of healthy eating practices and proper nutrition for upholding a healthy lifestyle.

Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust continues to address the nutrition needs at various rural hinterlands of India. With 4 new launches planned in Karnataka this month, 4,75,000 children in all, will receive Morning Nutrition.


Launch of SaiSure Morning Nutrition Program for 80,000 children in Yadgir, Raichur and Kalaburagi districts 7 Sept 2022

Launch of SaiSure Morning Nutrition Program for 80,000 children under Amrutha Grama Yojana Scheme in Yadgir, Raichur and Kalaburagi districts – 17 September 2022

September 20th, 2022

On 17th September 2022, SaiSure Morning Nutrition Program for 80,000 government school-going children belonging to Yadgir, Raichur and Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) districts, was launched under the Amrutha Grama Yojana program in NV Grounds, Kalaburagi in the presence of Honourable Chief Minister, Sri Basavaraj Bommai. Additional Chief Secretary at Planning Department – Mrs. Shalini Rajneesh, Sri Dattatreya Patil Revoor – MLA Gulbarga South & Chairman of Kalyan Karnataka Region Development Board and Dr. Murugesh Nirani – Minister of Large and Medium Industries, Govt. of Karnataka, were also present in the event. Mr. Anand Kadali – Trustee & Secretary of Annapoorna Trust and Mr. Jayaprakash Tallam – Trustee of Annapoorna Trust were present in the event.


The Amrutha Grama Yojana program envisions the development of 750-gram panchayats and aims at improving basic infrastructure and amenities in villages. The department of planning under the guidance of Additional Chief Secretary Mrs. Shalini Rajneesh, and guidance from Gulbarga and Raichur universities along with support by NSS volunteers, have identified these villages which have low multi-dimensional poverty index. Majority of these villages are in Yadgir, Raichur districts.


Morning Nutrition launch for 735 Govt. school children in Nagar Kurnool district, Telangana – 15 Sept 2022

Morning Nutrition launch for 735 Govt. school children in Nagar Kurnool district, Telangana – 15 Sept 2022

September 18th, 2022

Annapoorna Trust introduced ‘Raagi Cereals Health Mix’ for Govt. School children in Nagar Kurnool district of Telangana on 15th September 2022. The Trust wishes to extend its gratitude for the complete support provided by district officials and Mandal Education Officers to initiate this program in the district. Initiated as a pilot program for 735 children in 3 schools, the Trust has plans of expansion in the coming times.


Finger Millet or Raagi is known to be a rich source of calcium, iron, fibre, high protein, potassium and Vit C, Vit E, B-complex vitamins. Easy to prepare and tasty to drink, this health mix has received positive feedback from teachers, cooks and the children. The cooks need to just mix this Raagi Cereals health mix in the boiling water along with jaggery to give the sweet taste. 10gms of this health mix per along with 5gms of jaggery to make a 150ml / 200ml health drink.

Govt Collaborations Uncategorized

Annapoorna Trust introduces “Raagi Cereals health mix” for Govt school children in Karimnagar district, Telangana – 14th Sept 2022

Annapoorna Trust introduces “Raagi Cereals health mix” for Govt school children in Karimnagar district, Telangana – 14th Sept 2022

September 16th, 2022

National Nutrition Month is being celebrated across the country in the month of September to mark the fight against malnutrition. Various programmes to spread awareness on issues related to malnutrition like stunting, under-nutrition, anaemia and low birth weight in children are organized across the country. POSHAN Abhiyaan – National Nutrition Mission, was launched by the government to achieve improvement in nutritional status of children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers. 



Annapoorna Trust with its vision of, Let No Child Go to School Hungry Ever, continues to address the nutrition needs at various rural hinterlands of India, aligning with the theme of National Nutrition Month.

A total of 620 children in 9 different schools of Karimnagar district will receive ‘Raagi Cereals Health Mix’ as their morning nutrition. This Health drink contains significant amounts of vitamin C and E. It is also high on B complex vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. It is considered one of the best foods for growing children.