SaiSure Morning Nutrition launch in Nallur Block, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu – 16th Nov 2022

November 18th, 2022

SaiSure Morning Nutrition was launched for the first time in Tamil Nadu in PUPS Thiruvattathurai, Nallur Block, Cuddalore district on 16th November 2022.

Since ancient times, Cuddalore has been a seaport used for trade and businesses. This district is prone to natural calamities like cyclones. It is named as one of the most backward districts in the country. The district is also one of the most robust fishing areas in the State and a home to a large number of fisher populations. It has also shown prevalence of malnutrition in children.

The launch event was held in the presence of the Honourable Collector – Sri Balasubramaniam, Additional DC – Sri Pavan Kumar, CEO – Sri Rama Krishna, along with 2 Block Education Officers and Mr Santosh Allath (National Manager of Annapoorna Trust) and Mr T Saravanan (Regional Manager of Tamil Nadu, Annapoorna Trust). 

The Multi Nutrient health mix, SaiSure, will be given initially to a total of 131 children in 2 schools on pilot basis. Milk will be supplied by Aavin dairy (a company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is a State Government Cooperative, produces a wide range of dairy products). The Additional DC – Sri Pavan Kumar, was keen in getting this Nutrition initiative started in Cuddalore and hence interacted with other departments of the Government and explained the benefits of SaiSure.